What Are the Keurig Cup Sizes? All You Want to Know

What Are the Keurig Cup Sizes All You Want to Know

What are the current Keurig K Cup sizes and why do they matter?

The K Cup sizes refer to the size of the drink, not the size of the coffee capsule. This is significant because the total volume of water that you pass through your K Cup determines how your beverage will taste after it has been brewed. I have some experience with coffee brewing as a regular coffee drinker and content writer.

You’ll see most cup sizes by Keurig are defined as having five standard brewing sizes, ranging from 4 to 12 oz, at 2 oz increments. While this is true for most of their range, there are exceptions, such as the – now both discontinued but still used – brewing sizes ranging from 12 ounces to 32 ounces; K Mugs, K Vue, and K Carafe pods. Additionally, some machines also offer a 2 oz. latte option.

Are you prepared for an overview? To clear up any ambiguity, we have a handy table to look through. And I’ll also talk a bit about reusable cups, as there lies the key to the discontinued options mentioned above.

What Are the Keurig Cup Sizes?

In general, Keurig cup sizes are:

  • 4 ounces
  • 6 ounces
  • 8 ounces
  • 10 ounces
  • 12 ounces

The actual Keurig cup sizes available to you depend on your Keurig single-serve coffee maker. Except for the K-Slim machine and the K-Classic machine, which neither offer a 6-ounce cup nor a 12-ounce cup, all machines generally offer cups in sizes of 6, 8, 10, and 12 ounces.

Only the K-Supreme, K-Elite, and K-Mini provide a 4-ounce cup, too.

Why Do Keurig Coffee Makers Have Different Cup Sizes?

For people who occasionally prefer to drink different amounts of coffee, the various cup sizes are a great option.

Vary Coffee Strength With Cup Size

The ability to adjust coffee strength is another benefit of using various cup sizes. You can get anything from a weak cup of coffee to one that is very strong when you choose the various brew cup sizes on your Keurig machine for the same K-cup. So pick a smaller cup size for your coffee if you want it to be less diluted. There are four ounce cups, which is the smallest size.

However, this obviously isn’t the best way to get a really strong cup of coffee. However, it’s a way for Keurigs without the stronger brew option to change the coffee’s strength.

Go for Strong Brew Option

The strong brew option on some Keurig machines works by gradually allowing less water to pass through the coffee grounds. Better coffee compound extraction is made possible as a result. Stronger coffee is produced as a result.

What Are the Keurig Cup Sizes All You Want to Know
What Are the Keurig Cup Sizes? All You Want to Know

What is the Largest K-cup Size?

There could be variations in Keurig coffee maker cup sizes. The K-pod does not, however, have various sizes. The size of every K-pod is the same. Nevertheless, depending on the brand you choose, the amount of ground coffee may change. This ranges from 9 to 12 grams.

That is for K-Pods, then.

Introducing Larger K-Cups – K-Mug and K-carafe

A bigger cup of coffee is needed, though. Additionally, Keurig releases the larger K-Mug and K-Carafe pods. The 12, 14, and 16 ounces of coffee that K-Mug pods can brew are sufficient to fill a large mug. 30 ounces of coffee, or enough for 4 people, can be made with K-carafe pods.

K-Mug, however, has been stopped.

Keurig Reusable Filter

Keurig’s reusable K-Cup filter is stepping into its shoes. A K-cup fill line and a travel mug fill line are both present on this filter. However, coffee grounds must be used to fill it. Consequently, you must manage the messy coffee. The fact that this Keurig reusable filter is dishwasher safe and naturally BPA-free is a plus.

All Keurig Coffee Makers Cup Sizes

Your cup size options depend on the Keurig model you have, as I previously mentioned. The most popular Keurig coffee makers that are still in production are listed below, along with the cup sizes that each one supports.

Which Keurig Setting is 8 Ounces?

A cup of coffee that is 8 ounces in size is deemed to be the perfect size by Keurig because it is neither too small nor too large. As the only available option when the machines were first developed, the 8-ounce cup is still regarded as the standard size for Keurig machines.

It can be challenging to figure out which size cup each button will brew at first if your particular Keurig machine lacks labels on the buttons and only has images of different-sized coffee mugs.

The button in the middle will provide you with an 8-ounce cup if your Keurig machine only has options for 6-, 8-, and 10-ounce cups (like the Keurig Classic). If your machine, like the Keurig K-Slim, has options for 8-, 10-, and 12-ounce cups, you can also select an 8-ounce brew by pressing the button for the smallest cup.

Does Keurig Make 12-ounce Cups? 14 Ounces? 16 Ounces? Larger?

The initial selling point of the Keurig single-serve coffee machine was to create individual coffee cups instead of brewing a large pot of regular coffee. You can currently only brew a cup that is 12 ounces in size.

Previously, Keurig offered a line of 2.0 models that produced higher-quality, larger cups of coffee and featured a carafe system for brewing pots of coffee. Keurig 2.0 machines required Keurig Carafe pods, which were uniquely marked and not compatible with standard K-Cups. Since Keurig stopped making the 2.0 line, the carafe pods are also no longer for sale.

The machines are not compatible with third-party coffee pods, so keep that in mind if you’re thinking about purchasing a Keurig 2.0 from a third-party vendor. Since the Keurig 2.0 machines are incompatible with third-party coffee pods and The 2.0 line might be one you can skip since Keurig no longer makes them.

You always have the choice to remove the drip trap at the bottom of the coffee maker, which will give you an extra inch of space to fit your favorite mug under your Keurig machine if you’re having trouble.

Do Keurig Cup Sizes Affect Coffee Strength?

While my main reason for experimenting with the various cup sizes my Keurig offers is to brew smaller cups so I don’t waste as much coffee, you might want to experiment with different sizes to brew stronger or weaker cups.

The rudiments of coffee brewing are familiar to all of us. A pod of coffee grounds is put in the device, and coffee is made by pumping hot water through the pod of grounds. Less water should be pumped through the coffee grounds to produce a stronger cup of coffee. We need to pump more water through the ground coffee beans to make the cup weaker.

How Much Coffee is in a K-cup Pod?

Keurig K-cup classic coffee pods generally hold 9-12 grams of coffee grounds. 0.3 to 0.4 ounces of ground coffee are what this equals.

It’s important to keep in mind that the quantity of coffee in the K-cup pod does not necessarily correspond to the quantity of caffeine present in your beverage. Depending on which K-cup pod you use and how much coffee you make, you can vary the amount of caffeine in your beverage.

It may be helpful to see if the maker suggests a particular brew size for their coffee by checking the box on your preferred Keurig K-cup pods. While you are free to brew your coffee however you please, going outside of the suggested range may impact the flavor and strength of your beverage. Even if you only use the manufacturer’s advice once, it might be worthwhile!

How to Know What Cup Size My Keurig Is?

You must know the precise model of your Keurig machine in order to ascertain the cup sizes it offers. When in doubt and the owner’s manual has vanished, you can check the serial number.

The serial number for your Keurig can be found behind the removable water reservoir (remove the reservoir before looking for it), on the machine’s base, or behind the removable drip tray. If the serial number does not identify the model of your vehicle, a quick google search will.

When you’ve chosen the model, scroll up to the article’s middle where we’ve listed each model along with the cup sizes it offers. Additionally, your specific Keurig model should be easily found by searching for it on Google.

How to Choose a Keurig Cup Size?

What you want from your cup of coffee will determine which Keurig cup size you use.

My inability to finish a large cup of coffee while it’s still hot has been mentioned several times throughout this article as my motivation for choosing which Keurig cup size I brew. This is the reason I’ll select a smaller Keurig cup size when I make coffee tomorrow.

However, you might prefer stronger coffee. The strength of your coffee will depend on how much water you use to brew it, as I previously mentioned.

For a stronger brew, choose a smaller Keurig cup size. As a result, your machine will brew a smaller, more concentrated cup of coffee while using less water.

If you’re in the mood for a weaker cup of coffee, pick a larger Keurig cup size. The result will be a large, watered-down cup of coffee because this will cause your machine to use more water while brewing.

While the strength of the coffee should be taken into account when choosing your Keurig cup size, the size can also affect how the beverage tastes. If you love the bitter taste of coffee, you’ll like a smaller cup size. You’ll enjoy a larger, more diluted cup of coffee if you don’t like the taste of coffee but still need that caffeine boost in the morning.

Additionally, you might enjoy making your own milky coffee drinks and own a milk frother at home (whether it be a Keurig frother or not). If you’re using your Keurig to make drinks like cappuccinos and lattes, you’ll want to choose the smallest Keurig coffee size.

Additionally, K-cups made specifically for brewing over ice are available from Keurig. Make sure to select the 6-ounce coffee size option if you’re making yourself an iced coffee. The ideal serving size for iced coffee is typically considered to be 6-ounce brews.

K Cups Alternatives – the Way Forward

It’s not surprising that alternatives appeared on the market given the extensive trail of obsolete and discontinued equipment and K cups. People chose to use K Cups alternatives for three main reasons:

  • Their type of K Cup Pods was discontinued
  • They want to use their personal choice of ground coffee for flavor or monetary reasons
  • They wish to be more environmentally friendly

All current K Cups as well as the withdrawn K Carafe, K Mug, and Vue cups can be replaced on Amazon. All of these alternatives are reusable and environmentally friendly, enabling you to keep using your preferred Keurig device with the ground coffee of your choice.

In the end, you ought to be able to keep brewing coffee in your Keurig in all available K Cup sizes, ranging from 4 to 30 oz. Enjoy!

Happy Caffeinating!

Read about How to Change Keurig Filter?