When Can Baby Sit in Stroller? Let’s See

When Can Baby Sit in Stroller? Let's See

At this point, you’re probably no stranger to strolling with your little one. Strap them into their infant car seat, attach the seat to the stroller, and you’re off on an adventure. There may even be a carriage mode on your stroller, allowing your child to recline while you are out and about. A much-needed change of scenery (and the fleeting appearance of peace) are provided by walks for both parent and infant. You might start to wonder when your baby will be able to sit up in the stroller and experience the sights with you as they get older and start interacting with the outside world.

When Can Babies Sit Up in a Stroller?

There isn’t a magical age that indicates when it’s safe for your little one to graduate to the stroller seat. The switch from infant seat or carriage mode to the stroller seat depends more on size and developmental stage than anything else. Your infant must ride fully reclined for the first few months because their muscles are still growing.

Once the infant is able to support their head on their own, which usually occurs around three months old, we advise switching to the stroller seat in a reclined position. When the child can sit up unassisted, usually between the ages of five and seven months, you can switch to having them fully upright in the stroller seat.

In the meantime, it’s important to encourage baby’s gross motor skill development to help them reach those milestones.

When Can Baby Sit in Stroller Let's See
When Can Baby Sit in Stroller? Let’s See

Considerations When Buying a Stroller

Once your baby can walk, you’ll probably use a stroller every day until your child is a toddler. For this reason, choose a stroller that will adapt to your growing child and also fulfill your requirements.

Select one based on your lifestyle and financial constraints. Different materials, shapes, and sizes are available for strollers. There are ones that are lightweight, some suitable for all terrains, some for more than one child, and many other options.

Here are some things you might want to think about before you purchase your stroller and some additional tips from the Mayo Clinic.

Age of Your Baby

The only strollers that are suitable for babies less than 3 months old are those that will fully recline. On the other hand, a convertible stroller will be there for your child from birth until they are toddlers. A car seat can typically be used on the frame thanks to these.

Have you got more than one kid? Consider a double stroller, but keep in mind that these come with a fully reclined option for your newborn.

Your Style of Living

Use public transportation, walk a lot, or do you frequently use a car? Perhaps you are an athletic type who enjoys spending time on the trails or jogging in parks? These elements may have an impact on the type of stroller you select.


A model that fits conveniently in the trunk is essential if you prefer to drive. This could be a lightweight stroller or something a little more sturdy that folds down compactly.

Designed to Be Active

A sturdy stroller with good suspension is essential for parents who are more active to keep their babies from being too jostled. Inspect strollers to see if they are simple to maneuver.

Jogger-style strollers are perfect for taking your baby outside. These, however, should not be used on infants younger than 8 months old.

When Can Baby Sit in Stroller Let's See
When Can Baby Sit in Stroller? Let’s See

Public Transport

Strollers present special difficulties when using public transportation. Easy-to-fold strollers are essential for this. Additionally, it must be portable enough to be carried onto and off of buses or up and down subway stairs. A lightweight, collapsible stroller with a strap that enables the parent to carry it like a backpack has been used by parents, in my experience. When taking public transportation, this is helpful.

Stroller Weight and Size

Think about where you’ll be bringing and putting your stroller. After folding and unfolding, check the dimensions. You don’t want to get it home only to discover that it won’t fit through your door or in the trunk or backseat of your car.

Additionally, you don’t want to have to carry a large stroller up the stairs to your condo or onto and off of the subway. Check out how heavy it is, and factor in your loved one’s weight too.

How High Are the Handles?

The handle height must be appropriate for your height. You’ll be sharing the load, won’t you, so remember to account for your partner’s height.

Reaching up to push a stroller while stooping over can result in a variety of back and shoulder problems. Choose a stroller with an adjustable handle that is high enough to prevent you from having to push it in an awkward position because of this.

Check Out the Wheels

Larger strollers or jogging strollers might have bigger wheels in a fixed position. They will also be more durable, especially on all-terrain models.

These are more than likely not necessary for navigating shops at the mall. Independent wheels with the ability to lock into place or be unlocked to swivel are a better option for this. You’ll be able to move around the baby store’s numerous sales racks more easily with their increased maneuverability.

One Or More Strollers?

For various circumstances, some people might require more than one stroller. For instance, a compact option for travel and a large one for neighborhood excursions.

Make sure to pick the baby stroller that best suits your needs if you only plan to purchase one. Buy one without features you don’t require. Yes, it’s nice to have a stroller to accommodate your baby as it grows, but it needs to suit their size now.

Accessories and Features

Some strollers come with added extras while others are basic. Think about what is a must-have for you and what you can live without.

It may be helpful to have features like all-terrain wheels, one-hand operation, one-handed folding, food trays, cup holders, sun shades, canopies, and rain covers. However, decide what you require and check to see if it is included with the stroller you select.


Buying a good stroller doesn’t have to break the bank. You don’t have to have the “in-fashion” stroller that is being used by all the celebrities just because of the brand name. Numerous similar alternatives won’t cost as much as the expensive ones, though.

Buying the best product you can afford with the features you require should be taken into account in this situation. Paying a little bit more might result in you only needing one stroller to carry your child from infancy to toddlerhood.

When Can Baby Sit in Stroller Let's See
When Can Baby Sit in Stroller? Let’s See

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Strollers Bad for Babies?

No, strollers can be used safely by infants under adult supervision. The key is to balance their time in the stroller and otherwise. A stroller’s excessive use may prevent children from engaging in other physical activities, interacting with caregivers, etc.

What is the Purpose of Strollers?

Strollers are useful for the following purposes:

  • Easy transportation
  • Storage of goods
  • Safely carrying the baby when in parking lots or traffic
  • Handling the baby while the caregiver walks or jogs

Should Newborns Lie Flat in Strollers?

Yes, newborns should ideally lie flat. This is because, especially for infants and preemies, sitting at an angle can affect the infant’s breathing. An infant’s airway may become constrained when their head falls forward, which can cause breathing problems.

What Can I Use Instead of a Stroller for My Baby?

You can transport your baby in a variety of ways other than with a stroller. There are many types of baby carriers, such as wraps, slings, backpacks, and hybrids.

How Much Weight Does a Stroller Hold?

Depending on the size and weight of the child, standard strollers are typically made to hold a child up to 50 pounds, which is generally regarded as safe for children up to about the age of four (4). However, there are also strollers designed for older children or multiple children, and these may be able to hold more weight.

If you want to stroll with your baby, a stroller can be useful. However, it’s crucial to pick a stroller that complies with all safety recommendations. To ensure you are investing in a good stroller, you should research all features and customer reviews on various e-commerce platforms before making a purchase. To prevent any accidents, make sure to use a stroller that is appropriate for your child’s age. Additionally, keep up with routine stroller maintenance and stop using the device if any significant component is broken or malfunctioning.